Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

One of the hardest lessons in my entrepreneurial journey was overcoming my own fears and self-doubt about starting my own business. Otherwise known as imposter syndrome, this constant mindset led me down some really bad paths. Tell me if this sounds like you...

I would undercharge clients for my time because I didn't have any formal training or education in this field. I was skeptical about charging more because they would somehow figure out I didn't have enough experience or that I was new to this career and this meant I was inexperienced. How could I possibly justify a $25,000.00 price tag when I've been in the industry just one year and the only experience I have is planning my own events?

I didn't value my own time, therefore I gave more of myself to these types of clients who in turn took more and more time away from me. No matter what I did to "satisfy them" it never seemed like enough. I walked away from these events feeling awful and thinking am I ever going to break this cycle and get the clients I know I deserve?

Bottom line, you train the world how to treat you and if you are undercharging for your services, then you are attracting customers who will only see you for the number that you are charging and not your time or value.

This cycle ends with you! You are the only one that can change this mindset and overcome your own self-doubt. My advice for entrepreneurs in this industry -

  • First, learn to charge for your time - figure out what your time is worth for one years worth of work and then calculate your price around that and the market you service. My event sales module directly touches upon this.

  • Second, charge based on your experience - once you have product-market validation and several events under your portfolio, you can now increase your prices based on the level of experience you have.

  • Finally, charge for your value - now that you have your event portfolio, years of experience and knowledge in the field, you can base your prices around the value your experience and expertise will offer your clientele.

Join my mailing list, message me, and let me know if I hit a nerve. I hope my full time wedding planner bootcamp will help some of you overcome your own fears and imposter syndrome. I know it's scary to invest in something for yourself when you yourself may not believe you are capable of this type of transformation. But I know you are, and when you're ready, I'll be here to help.


Starting Your Career in Event Design